Table of Contents

Click on any of these links to read one story at a time.

On the Cover of Newsweek 16 Jan 2015
i won't capitalize brands 
Lethal Cartridge - Resistance is Futile
InRE: The Cartridge
He Said, She Said 1 
She Said, He Said 2 
lenz's lenses 
In Re: Lenz's Lenses 
He Said, She Said 3: X 
H trip S 4 
ETA: Lego My Eggo 
An Audience With the Guru 
Infinite News JG Missing??? 
Dear Canada: Infinite Waste. Love Johnny 
Himself Had it Coming 
He Said, She Said 5: Hey BooBoo
Introducing Teddy 'Two Hands'
My Problem With Gately 
Mario's Millennial Fizzie 
what bounces in the outer realms? 
Yushityu Award, YSPDD 
Steeply, Herself - Part 1 
Steeply, Herself - Part 2 
Steeply, Herself - Part 3 
RL Tine Announces 2015 Corporate Sponsor 
He Said, She Said 6 - Veiled 
Darius Views the Tape - Pt. 1
Eschatology 101
Darius Views the Tape - Pt 2
He Said, She Said- New Gig
Widow's Jrl- Avril's Infinite Snark - Page 1
Widow's Journal -Avril's Infinite Snark - Page 2
When the hugging gets tough the tough get stoned
Widow's Journal -Avril's Infinite Snark - Page 3
Darius views the tape: Pt-3
Widows journal: 50 shades of snark: page-4
Shit Happens
The Extraction - Pt 1
The Extraction - Pt-2- Night at the Belmond
The Extraction - Pt 3 - Those Grinning Sherpas
The extraction - Pt 4 - Pox and Darius Are Born Again
HSSS8 - Apropos Peru
In Re: HSSS8- Dr. Who?
JOI Diaries Part Deux
HSSS 9 or 10 -Pandora's Alternate Reality
Infinite News Press Release: 8 June
The Rodeo, Part 1
The Rodeo, Part 2
HSSS 10- The Rodeo-Dope
The Rodeo, Part 3 - The Beginning
HSSS 11 - Green Babies
No Body is Found
Tine's Gift to Mexico