30 October 2014

She said, He said (2)

‘Please, Pox!’
‘No silent treatment today, please Pox! Take this police lock you have on my heart off.’
‘Well, if you insist.’
‘Insist what, dearie.’
‘Well, if you insist that it’s my turn to come up with the idea, the plan of action -.’
‘That’s right, mister man.’
‘I’ve proposed several.’
‘Oh really? I don’t recall any, D.’
‘No? Is that because anything I propose you modify it and then it’s your idea?”
‘Oh, you’re just being an absurd, picayune bastard, Darius! Again, give me just one good idea you had regarding our collaboration? Come on, Blake! We’re supposed to be an inseparable team and all you’ve really done is sponge off me when you need inspiration.’
‘Pox, you’re being a little psychotic here.’
‘And what do police locks have to do with anything? All you ever want to do is pervert the pure, the innocent, the maybe infirm and unfeeling but happy nonetheless!’
‘Darius? Babe! Come on. You know I don’t mean like an unfeeling heart but damaged nerve endings that don’t send the proper and negate the response in the pain receptors.’
‘Hmpf. I’m just trying to impart some worthy ideas here, love. And I really don’t mind if you take my ideas and modify them and make them your own. I kind of like it, actually. I just wish you’d remember that I do in fact come up with ideas.’
‘No babe, you really don’t. You just ape and feed off me. I’m the light that keeps this going, D. And the only thing I have is hope to keep me alit, not in the clouds if I may and I was rather hoping that this is our collaboration you’d at least attempt to contribute.’
‘Okay doll, I get it. Can you give me a minute to think? I know I have a couple ideas rattling around up there somewhere.’
‘You’re impossible! you’re just stalling for time as usual.’
‘No Pox, I’m not but maybe I do need a little inspiration,’ Darius smiles as he looks at her glowing, radiant face for the thousandth time and, as always, the first time and kisses her softly on the lips, ‘How about we write about the prefecture and how that led to the formation of O.N.A.N. and the notorious gift and show of solidarity from the old US to Canada of all the contaminated land and how the gift wasn’t wanted but they were forced to take it anyway and how that led to all these groups wanting to break away.’
‘That sounds all well and good Darius, but that could encompass several blog posts and maybe we can have a blog arc or whatever in the future but we’re just getting on our feet here babe and I’m not sure we’re ready to tackle a bear like that just yet.’
‘You’re right, Pandora.’
‘But Darius, it is a good idea and I like it,’ her smile inviting and mesmerizing. ‘I’ll write it down and when we are more proficient with the Master work, we’ll definitely give it a try.’
‘Croon -‘ Darius started.
‘er and president of O.N.A.N, Johnny Gentle,’ Pox finishes.
‘I love that idea, Pox!’
‘Darius, you’re the best!’

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