Within this blog we pay our respects to an American Intellectual Icon, the late and very great David Foster Wallace (often referred to as DFW). 

Hello.  This blog contains original stories by Pandora Pox and  Darius Blake.

Have you not yet read Infinite Jest? We hope some of what you find here will intrigue you enough to buy it, read it, and be forever entertained by it.

So what are you likely to find in this blog? Almost anything based on the author's work, such as stories imitating his style (with apologies to DFW as nobody can come close), reviews, questions, satires, rants, speculations, and so on. Some useful, cool  links.

We are wheelchair accessible, fluent in garbled Frenchisms and sometimes we liberally indulge in technical jargon and/or footnotes.  We play all sorts of intricate mainly head games that we've trained for almost since birth. We're the like AA for IJ  junkies : in this zone is a place to just lay it all out no holds barred no judgement and no damn excuses. 

We are in here, attempting  to err on the side of hilarity.  Come on in.  If at some point you must leave, leave comments. See voo play.