25 March 2015

The Extraction, Pt 1

Well Pox, you finally did it! Dragging me where I’ve been telling you I’ve wanted to go, but couldn’t afford to go, since around forever ago. Too bad your body’s basically a zombie and the rest of you, the crazy, cool, sexy part of you is trapped in a video and can’t appreciate the beautiful scenery here. Well, hopefully on the way out, you’ll have more of your senses about you. We’re in Peru you incorrigible minx, passing through Machu Picchu, to hopefully meet a Shaman and get you back to your body. Pox?
Come on, Pox, you know I’ve been able to bounce in and out of different dimensional realities for a long time now. You’ve also known that it’s something that, until now, I’ve had very little control over and thought - well I didn’t really know what to think other than I was mildly hallucinating and extremely enjoying going to a mind space that I thought only I could own. But that’s obviously not the case Pox, with you in there and the grand design to put you in there formed and well thought and planned out in the mind, bordering genius as some say it may have been, of one JO Incandenza and who knows how many others before him. So much for originality, hey Pox?
When do you think you lost yours, Pox? I think mine probably happened six milliseconds after hitting the light. You know, birth. Everything’s done under the sun and all that.


Oh pox pox pox, I don’t know how you get yourself into these things. That fucking Incandenza  just couldn’t leave well enough alone. Made the 7th cartridge perfect and just had to go about trying to reinvent the wheel, which really makes me wonder about his said genius. So but no worries. Even if you don’t want to speak to me I know you’re in there and we are on our way to where, if anyone anywhere on this Godforsaken-rotting-frozen-mudball can, someone will be able to get you out.
‘Oh Darius, I’m sorry, I just had to…had to know and now that I ‘m discorporeal I really don’t feel it was worth it. And I wish I could take it all back.’


‘D? D? Come on.’

‘It’s always the same. With you with everyone. Always trying to communicate after it’s too late. But it’s no matter, we’re here and we’ve got quite a trek yet through the jungle, until where we’ll be able to attempt the extraction.

But Pox, aren’t you at all even curious as to why, how I can even communicate with you at all? How I even know you’re here, inside this Godforsaken tape? Especially when all your family, the authorities, friends and other interested parties (a.k.a. bill collectors) think you’ve up and vanished from the face of the earth.’

‘The thought had crossed my mind, whatever or where ever that might be right now, but I was just thankful that you’ve found me and right now I’m just grateful that you’re at least trying to help me.’

‘Well you can blame Buddha and DMT.’

‘Buddha and DM what?’

‘DMT Pox. Dimethyltriptamine.’

‘And what pray tell is that, Mister Man? Why do you always have to come out with these esoteric, cryptic subjects that I know nothing about. Wait? What? Did you Say Machu Picchu? Are you serious? Come on. I don’t believe you.’ Darius smiles wide and laughs out loud. The two sub-tropical sherpas and shamanistic emissaries on each side squint their eyes and point them toward Darius in the middle, saying nothing but heightening their alert a few notches, not even noticeable, after all a somewhat loose-marbled tourist was nothing they haven’t seen before and most turn out to be as harmful as lambs. It was usually more that the reality of this journey was realized as the culmination of an obsession that had been building and building…for Years.

‘It’s true, Pox. We’re in the middle of the Andes and headed toward the Sacred Valley.’

‘Oh. You. You’re not being very nice, D. I see what you’re doing, you're just teasing me, because I’m blind, stuck in this fucking loop of this boring ass tape and you're being your practical joker self. You. Sir. Have a cruel cruel wit. Wait! What! You magnanimous bastard! you’re good at fiction but even you couldn’t come up with something like this. You shit. Are you saying that we’ve already been through the Temple of the moon? The temple de la luna?’

‘In fact we have. When we get through Machu Picchu, we’re all on burros now, by the way, we hiked for a while but now I’m tired. They’re not very comfortable and they might even be more ornery than me. We’re going to stop for the night at the Belmond Sanctuary Lodge. Tomorrow morning we’ll get a car and drive on this long winding, scenic road called Carretera Hiram Bingham, or however the hell you pronounce it, which should be pretty fun since I am not driving until we get to Avenida Hermanos ayar - some sort of avenue I guess, I’m not sure, I’m not really good at Spanish or Portuguese. It looks more like a highway from what I can tell from the map, but it should lead us to the Sacred Valley and more specifically, Ollantaytambo.’


‘Oll - An - Tay - Tam - Bo.’

‘ Really, D? How in the Double H hockey sticks did I get myself into this mess. I want to see what you’re seeing now, so bad.’

‘Don’t worry, Pox, though it is probably one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in my life thus far. It seems hardly touched by humanity here and the Incas looked to have been good stewards for the most part or it’s been so long that all traces of the scars they left have long since been healed by mother nature. We will have plenty of time to travel back this way after we see the Shaman.’

‘’Do you think it’ll work? Do you think I’ll ever be free from this filthy magnetic prison I so foolishly trapped myself in? How could I have been so stupid, D?’

‘Not stupid, Pox. Just curious and maybe a little naive is all. Also, not as prepped in certain aspects as me. And as, a not so little aside, far as I know it will work. They basically guaranteed it, Pox but, me being me, I’m a little apprehensive about it. It took a lot of time and effort, not to mention money to get here, not that that matters, but we paid them a lot so of course they’re going to promise us the world. Now, will they deliver? Which brings me back to DMT.’

‘Oh, here we go again. Can’t you just drop it? I’m stuck in here and all you can do is prattle on about this bullshit stuff.’

‘Well Pox, the way I see it is I watched both version 7 & 8 of the tape and I’m neither drooling catatonically or stuck in the reels. They both just seem like elaborate parlor tricks to me. I’m walking and talking and still interested in people, places and things and DMT just might be the reason why. I mean I don’t see any other reason; you’re probably a lot smarter than I am Pox and you damn sure have way more experience living on this tiny blue marble than I do. And what’s more you also seem a lot stronger minded than I do.’

‘We’ll isn’t that obvious? But why are you always bringing up this DMT. I have only just a vague notion of what it even is and you’re talking about it like it’s something trivial and some get wasted, good-time party drug that you know like the back of your hand.’

‘None of that is true, Pox. About DMT, I mean. I’m a total novice and I never use anything for strictly recreational purposes any more. I’m far too old for that now and I stopped doing that in my mid-twenties, anyway. But I’ve done some research into it, Pox. And the little I’ve done has told me, has shown me, that there’s just so much out there we currently can’t perceive. Part of it is because our eyes are probably more limiting, by necessity, than they are helping us perceive. But I’d like to think it’s just because we’re so nascent as a species and that eventually we’ll get to a point where it won’t turn our minds to mush if we actually get a whole view of the things that surround us.’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘Nothing, Pox. Nothing at all.’

‘Oh come on, D.’


‘Darius? You know I’m stressed out. I need to stretch my legs and I don’t even know where they are; I thought this Great 8 tape was gonna expand my mind but the exact opposite is happening. I feel constricted and smothered.’

‘Well then, Pox, please just be quiet and listen for a few minutes and I’ll try to explain why I think DMT may have the answers we need. Deal?’

‘Deal, Mister man.’ 

‘DMT, Dimethyltriptamine is a molecule. It closely resembles the make up of certain neurotransmitters in our brains. Some have postulated that it’s responsible for our dreams when we sleep. That our pineal gland releases it when we reach the REM stage of sleep. It is in fact found in almost every living thing; from plants to animals and who knows what else. I tried it once about two years ago, Pox. I smoked it, inhaling two puffs, and it took me. somewhere. It was a total onslaught to my senses. I couldn’t fathom all it was telling me, all that it showed me. Every now and again, I still recall something new. It felt ancient, Pox, like the age of the universe was just a moment to it. It felt like it knew me better than I know myself; it was sagacious and benevolent. I am sure there was absolutely no hateful intent. It was like it took me to another dimension and gave me a glimpse into the inner workings of everything. Not that my minimifiscent [sic] mind could ever completely understand, mind you. There were shapes and ancient writings and fractals and so many other things. I’m not exactly sure what it was but I am certain it wasn’t just some ordinary everyday hallucination; an amateur trip, where the walls were breathing because my pupils were involuntarily expanding and contracting. It was something far deeper than that. I felt that I was meant to be there and after it was over there were no lingering effects except that I was happier and more kind. And what’s more, Pox, what’s important to us now is that I think the Shaman we’re going to meet will somehow use DMT to help facilitate your extraction.’

‘But how is that even possible? How am I going to smoke anything. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I don’t currently have any lungs to speak of. I’m also lacking any kid of lips, hips or windpipe.’

‘I’m not sure about the mechanics, Pox…I just have a feeling is all. And I don’t think they smoke it either, I think they see it as a facilitator that helps them get in touch with the great Creator of all things and I think they brew up a tea called ayahuasca and see in smokeable form the liver synthesizes it so fast it doesn’t last longer than a few minutes; but it could have been hours, days or months when I did it. I really had zero sense of anything called time. And what’s more, I hear it tastes absolutely disgusting and more than likely it will trigger a purge.’

‘A purge?’

‘Yes. They say it happens sometimes and it’s part of the cleansing process. Both ends from what I’ve read.’


‘We’re almost at the lodge, Pox. And I’m beat.’

‘D? Darius, don’t leave me alone in here.’

‘Pox, don’t worry, I’ll keep you close. But I’m switching to a rest frequency so just be patient for a little while longer and I’ll let you know when I’m rested and were on our way again.’

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