31 October 2014

He Said, She Said (1)

September, YSPDD *

'Hey Darius?'
'Who else would it be, Pandora?'
'Right. What's our next topic going to be?'
'I don't care.  Pick something.'
'I picked last time. Now it's your turn, D.'
'Darius? Are you being evasive, or is it me?'
'Pox, you're killing me here. I'm thinking about it. Give me a minute, okay?'
'You're not recording this, are you?'
'How about Mario. I want to write all about Mario.'
'So go ahead and do it, already.'
'But it's your turn to pick, D. We have to take turns.'
'Well I don't really care what we write about. Sure, let's write about Mario. Fine. Whatever. Mario it is.  I really don't care to argue about it.'
'Oh, I don't know. Is there really enough to say about Mario?'
'Pox, you have a good imagination. I'm sure you'll think of something.'
'If we do Mario next time, then will you get to pick two in a row after that? Because you said whatever to the Mario topic, it wasn't your like idea at all, in the first place, Mario. It's like you made it into your idea so you could say you picked an idea. I don't think you picked, per se. You sort of just acquiesced. That's not the same as actually picking, I don't think.'
'Jaysus, Pox, I feel a case of the howling fantods coming on.'
'How about we write about Lenz, since you don't want to write about Mario and all.'
'When did I say that, P?  Mario. Mario. Mario it is.'
'Great idea, Darius. I like it. Mario is a great character.'
'Do I get to pick next time, or do you get to pick again?'
'Patience is a virtue, Pox.'
'That's a good one!'

Editor's Note: Our use of YSPDD means Year of Swamp People and Duck Dynasty, for future reference.

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