05 October 2014

InRE: The Cartridge

Pox? Pox are you there? Listen Pandora this is serious...

Wasn’t Himself’s last wish, to have the final copy of The Cartridge buried with him? I mean, grissly as the scene was, I still read as much of the note as I could and it was definitely in Himself’s hand writing. Even though most of the note was streaked with crimson and little drying lumps of gray. I don’t know, I must’ve been numb and in shock, because normally I cringe and stay away from others leftovers; the inevitable clean up. Though a source of endless fascination; I find second hand accounts more than enough. Yes, even though, as a rule, I don’t trust eyewitness accounts, in those instances a second hand account, their jaded synopsis of events are good enough for me. Do you know what I mean?

Pox? Pox? Ok well if you’re not going to answer just listen. Himself was miles above us and everyone else for that matter, when it came to the tool shed. What I’m saying is the lights ran blazing hot and brilliant. I mean shoot, beautiful, he thought about and did more in a day than most ‘so called, self-proclaimed geniuses do in a lifetime. Even when he was on his third fifth of Wild Turkey that day, he still had more sense and a keener sense of curiosity than even a child. Despite the Moms. She was the one who turned him into Himself I’m sure. The constant nagging, the obsession with every minute detail of everything. It was terrible for him but she was also the perfect beauty for  him. Smart, tall, gorgeous, quick to acerbic wit and serious as all get out when the situation calls for it, a certain pulchritude that’s so rare I’ve only ever seen it in one other person; you Pandora. Oh, don’t think I don’t notice these things and I hope you don’t find it rude, me saying so. Surely, you’re aware of how my heart bumps when I see you or sometimes even just think about you. But you must know this and really it’s secondary to what I wanted to tell you today.

If in fact the final act of IJ was interred with Himself, as was his wish, I’m wasn’t quite sure what all the commotion stirred up was about with finding the master copy of the cartridge.  Himself must have known the power of what he created, what it would do to the psyche of the average person with normal and especially sub-par cognitive abilities and requested that his best work be sealed away with him so no one would watch it.

But the other day, I was in the Oddities shop just looking around and I found this blank DVD with a smiley face on it and I was reminded of all the rumors I’ve heard or read about. Hithertofore, it was just a source of some pretty fair amusement for me. I was amazed at how, even after his death, Himself, still added to his own myth. Like it was some posthumous practical joke on Himself’s part; like here’s just a tiny little glimpse of the coolest thing ever but now I’m going to lock it away forever. Some sort of obscure didactic advice that they just won’t let me be privy to. 

So I bought the DVD with just vague notions of what it might be. I mean I suspected what it might be and was well aware of the implications therein. I heard all the rumors; but I really couldn’t help myself; I had to watch it; so I dusted off the DVD player and after much trial and error finally hooked it up to the televidaudio screen and put the DVD in.

And, and I watched it. And I plan on watching it again tonight after work and tomorrow after work…in fact cancel all my appointments until further notice…

Also, remember that Bob Hope guy I told you not to send here anymore? Well, SEND him. For the love of God send him.

Though the DVD is quite addicting, almost to the point of obsession, something must have been lost in the analog to digital translation because it doesn’t quite have the rumored effect that I’ve heard so many stories about. I am, still interested in other things and albeit somewhat obscurely, one can surmise I’ve never really been succinct in anything ever, I still at least try to communicate. But maybe you’d like to come over and watch it with me too? Because there’s nothing I’d like more than being wrapped in a blanket, snuggled close to you while we watch this DVD. And maybe watch it again and…

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