29 September 2014

i won't capitalize brands - they are lesser nouns not proper ones

Manufactured consent is insidious and pervasive in today's 'civil' societies. No one ever gives you the complete story. They just give you the parts that they suspect will motivate you to help them toward their own ends while having little, if any, concern if it helps you toward your own goals.

It's preposterous, the things they expect one to do; things they would never themselves dream of doing but readily volunteer you for. It almost makes me want to pray for Eschaton; like trying to program us all with attention deficit disorder doesn't meet this end anyway.

And when they voluntell you what to do they have zero concern for anything of any real value that might be going on in their own life. And here's why; it isn't of any real concern to them whatsoever. Oh the empty rhetoric and double speak in soothing tones may say different but just once try and hold them to task; I believe you'll find that it's, forgive the cliche, easier said than done.

So if I want to snort coke before I play tennis and then I end up missing the match because I'm too fixated on what might be squirming inside that steel-sak hefty garbage bag - but am not audacious enough to actually look myself - that's okay. I won't feel any guilt; partly because mostly it's them who are guilty, but they're too sociopathic to notice or care.

They care only about being in power while forcing you to continue to live a slavish and watered down existence. Maybe, given the current state of things, I'm giving them too much credit, really thinking about things might not be in their repertoire.

And, I guess, I should expect nothing less. This year, after all, is being jointly subsidized by the 'reality' shows 'swamp people' and 'duck dynasty'.

Editor's Note: Ours use of YSPDD means Year of Swamp People and Duck Dynasty, for future reference, which corresponds to 2014.

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