18 April 2015

HSSS 8 - Apropos Peru

'Jaysus D.'

'What now, Pox?'

'Well, ya know....I had this idea of how our blog was like totally adhering to DFW's storyline and all that, and now you have magically moved us to Peru, of all places. I mean, look at those weird constellations! How am I supposed to navigate to NY from here? Sheesh. Unless my few remaining brain cells have somehow atrophied due to being in that blasted cartridge IJ8 for so long and thus am irrevocably mistaken, there is fucking nothing in IJ even remotely reminicent in there of South America.'

'Jaysus yer own self, Pox. I'm surprised you can even get out of bed in the morning, you're all nascent rigor mortis-ish and I wonder sometimes, is all this palaver helping our situation?'

'I have no idea what you're saying or implying, as usual, you fence-sitter, D. All I know is you always claim both sides of every equation as your own which leaves nothing for me to work with. I'm not stupid ya know. I've read everything from Freud to Jung to the limitless psychobabble crap online.'

'Well, I know you're super smart, Pox, '...Darius reverts to placation mode here but she is getting close to being onto him...so Darius fidgets uncomfortably thinking of how much he needs her support, because, after all, how many other people does he know personally that could hold a candle to his partner in jest? It just would not do to alientate his best female friend and supporter. But wtf, he's not known for his E.Q., so he plunges ahead into foreign territory-- in more ways than one. 'Just don't outsmart yourself again, Poxalicious. Don't underestimate the power of an ayuhuasca initiate...'

'I would never.' Pox senses him dithering but decides to confront just for the hell of it, so unlike her usual self. 'Listen up, senor mano. The world you live in, it only exists in your own head. Me, I live from my heart, if only because I'm older and know that the mind can play wicked tricks on its owner. If somehow the two of us could accept the other as is, and learn from each other's mistakes, we would be unbeatable as a team. I am not getting that sense of concession from you yet.'

Darius is conflicted. In his lofty mind he thinks Pox is sometimes a head case and doesn't want anything more to do with her at those times, and probably could benefit from an ayuhuasca session herself, but still...he does keep looking after her in his own ersatz way. From afar, till now.

'I get it , Pox. You don't like Peru. So okay, we'll go back to the USA and Enfield and Tucson and slog through the rest of this blog. It's not really worth arguing about.'

DFW as wraith looks down at them and smiles enigmatically into the blogosphere. He holds two thumbs up. At who though? Pox thinks he just likes the melodrama. She knows anyone who could dream up crazy shit like IJ in the first place would like to see these two butt heads until one of them gives in. Is this like Avril and James, redux?  DFW hovers near the writers, adjusts his headband so it covers his ears. It's chilly in the Andes.

'Nay', Pox says, kind of archaically, or mythologically. 'You brought us here, Darius, to Peru, and you know, I honestly do appreciate your massive efforts to get me out of those close quarters, but just for laughs, I could maybe get in the spirit of making the trip home a nightmare for you and the woolly warm Sherpas who got us here.'

'Oh come on, Pox, be raisonable. It's what DFW would want. You know, hugs, not ughs, hugs not bugs, and hugs not drugs. well...maybe drugs.'

'Hugs right back at you but....game on, senor'.'

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