About the Partners and the Blog

Founding partners Darius Blake and Pandora Pox are aliases, or pen names, for two Central New York area natives who admire David Foster Wallace and his master work, Infinite Jest.

There will be more stories in the future so please do visit  again and again...and again.....because we hope to get you infinitely hooked on PIJ.

Your comments and questions are always welcome. Send email to :


Twitter @partnersinjest

Darius has some very unique non-related writings for sale on Amazon.

Mind Farts 1 - -Edge-Everything-Book-ebook

Mind Farts 2: Tools and What We Should Do With Them - Kindle edition by Darius Blake. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.


Mindfarts 4-No One Knows Why Are We
     and more to come.

You can hear him "live" on Soundcloud too:

The Moron, Inc.

Pandora is the blog editor and visual artist.  When not adding to this blog, she writes on many topics under different names, and tries to get other people interested in Infinite Jest.

Long live the spirit of David Foster Wallace.