30 June 2015

HSSS 11 - Green Babies

'What the heck...?'  Darius looks around at the new decor. 'Am I in the right blog?'

'Oh, hey there, Darius. I've decided to redecorate the place. What do you think?'

'Plants? You redecorated with plants?'

'Well, yeah. You know, Avril and her green babies...' Pox  gazes and sniffs. 'These appear to be hypo-allergenic,' she says.  'although, I was kind of hoping for an authentic HmH look, complete with olfactory effects.'


'Hmm. I wonder how much light and water these will need.'

'Pox, I hardly think Avril was growing bamboo in the HmH.'

'Bamboo? Are you sure? As in chopsticks and steamer baskets and upscale floorboards? But those are brownish, well, on the tannish side of brown, you know, some have flecks, and yes, there are variations in the striations and those little circlets that look like rubber bands, or possibly knobby knuckles,  but I have noticed, Darius, that brown bamboo things don't much resemble green babies. I kind of thought this might be asparagus... well, anyhow, you can't really cut bamboo objects very easily, I've tried...' He interrupts Pox's digression.  She sometimes goes on, and on.

'You're thinking of commercial bamboo, which is kiln-dried for durability. This stuff in here is the same thing, only before it's harvested. While it's still green.'

'What should I have used?'

'Well, orchids are nice. Maybe some philodendrons, a few ferns, and like that.'

'I meant what should I have used to cut the bamboo?'

'You just got it in here and already you want to cut it down?'

Pox sighs. Sometimes she just can't get through to the man.  'Hey, if you don't like it, I'll change it back the way it was.' (Followed by a pout.)

'What I would really like, and vastly prefer, Pandora, is for you to write another one of your brilliant original fan-fiction pieces. It's been a while.'

'So you did notice.'

'Of course I did, Pox, not much gets past me.'

'I know. Well...give me some ideas and I'll hop right on one of them.'

Darius sympathizes, as he's had writers block his own self once or twice.

' Will do. No worries, partner. In the meantime, maybe you could put some grow-lights in here.'

'Oh yeah, just like Avril had in HmH.'

'Yup. No walls, just plants.'

'Well, I like the new look. Got to keeps things looking fresh, ya know?'

Darius nods. What will she dream up next?

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