28 January 2015

He Said,She Said (7) - New Gig

'Hey Darius?' Pox tries to blow a thought-form into Darius' ear from within the IJ-8 cartridge she has been living in. The cartridge is on a shelf near his head.
'DARIUS! Why do you have your map in that map?'
'Oh, hey, Pox. Just looking for the best route to Arizona.'
' So you're finally coming to rescue me! How long have I been stuck in this stupid cartridge anyway?'
'Sorry, Pox. I'm not driving out there to rescue you, exactly.'
'Say what?' If Pox could seethe in anger as a disembodied set of waving particles, she would. She can't stand not being in her own body, wherever it may be. She wonders who got that fine piece of female flesh after she vacated it.
'Hang loose, Pox, we're still working on that.'
'Well then, why drive to Arizona at all?' She tries to form a frown out of his billowy e-cig vapor.
'Er, well, actually, I'm being transferred.'
'O.N.A.N. is sending you away? When?'
'As soon as I can pack up, actually.'
'Lucky you, Mr Man.'
'Yeah, I guess...'
'At least it's warm there. Won't you be happy to leave New New York?'
'Sure, but you'll never believe what job I had to take to do it.'
'I only know what you tell me, D.'
He grimaces. 'I'm to be trained as a double agent. I'll be assigned to spy on none other than Remy Marathe himself!'
Pox gasps. 'You mean, you'll be taking Steeply's place in Tucson?'
'No....they want me to masquerade as one of the Wheelchair Assasins.'
'You gotta be kidding. You can't pass for one of them! You don't even speak French!'
'Yeah, well, I guess there is going to be some cosmetic surgery involved...'
'Jaysus, D. I sure hope it's nothing drastic?"
'Me too.'
'Do not under any circumstances allow yourself to have fun.' says Pandora, aping Avril.
'Ha ha ....'
She watches Darius memorize the route (just in case GPS should fail). He doesn't even have to work because he's basically loaded, he just loves to serve his country and President Gentle in every possible way.  Like nobody else can, because Darius is the smartest man she has ever met, even though it irks her sometimes when he forgets to use plain language that she can understand. Nevertheless she hopes he will succeed in his mission.
Pandora studied French eons ago. 'Bonne chance, Darius. Ne m'oubliez pas.'
He surprises her by replying, 'Jamais.'

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