ONAN National Anthem

ONAN the terrible
ONAN the great
ONAN to save us from our doomed fate
What once was splintered 
Is now reconciled
It’s under ONAN’s banner
That goodness has congealed
Striking down all enemies in her way
If you’re not already lucky enough to be a citizen
Join ONAN today
Join ONAN today

Live a better life
Free from slavery
Angst and Strife
ONAN’s work is never done
’Til the world becomes one
You’ll accept our gracious gifts
Whether they turn your once pristine country to thrifts
Let’s pull together to repair the rifts

All praise hail subsidized time
The earth is no one’s
‘Cept hers, his and mine
detractors and dissidents beware
We’ll sell it to you until you believe
There is no such thing as corporate crime
Get on ONAN’s wave
So you can get paid
Join ONAN today
Join ONAN today!’

copyright 2015 by Darius Blake

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