21 December 2014

He Said, She Said (6) - Veiled

'Hey, Darius.'
'Darius? Don't you recognize me?'
'Uh, is that you, Pandora?'
'How quick they forget. '
'Sorry, you're so well hid under that veil. Why are you wearing a veil anyway? Bad hair day?'
'Nah, they're just all the rage and so fashionable now that 2015 is gonna be the YVASV.'
'Yeah, didn't you hear? The Year of the Velcro Adjustable Smoking Veil.'
'I didn't know you were a smoker, Pox.'
'I always liked a good cigar...'
'Say WHAT?'
'Or maybe if I don't take up gaspers, I can always use the larger adjustable opening for eating a Whataburger.'
'Well, aren't you the clever little repurposer...is that the square and squeaky model?'
'Actually, this is the super-cool  Deluxe Veil. I deserve the best!'  *
'You should get one too.'
'What for, Pox?'
'You know..' she rolls her eyes but of course he doesn't see that...'for when you want to interface with Bob Hope. Like in public.'
'Speaking of which...'
'Sorry, D, I'm all out of Hope right now. '
'Awww. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up, partner?'
'Well, a new blog post from you would be nice.'
'I'm working on something... it's about Marathe, or was it Steeply? I forget.'
'My patience is wearing thin, Mr Man.'
'Infinite patience, Pandora, no more, no less.'
'I never know what you really mean,' she says.
'It's a gift,' smiles Darius, and waves goodbye.
Pandora snaps open the Velcro strip and sticks her tongue out at him. 'There!'

* Also available: Basic Smoking Veil

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha @ those veils.