26 December 2014

Somewhere Out There

Somewhere out there, in the environs around Boston and Enfield, and Tucson, and Quebec, addicts of all persuasions still religiously attend AA and NA meetings, athletes still try to perfect their respective games hoping for a shot at The Show, governments still form shaky new alliances.  And somewhere out there, many thousands, possibly a million Wallace fans still read Infinite Jest.

We need more Jest in our lives.

We sit around in small groups and discuss, we search the internet for new IJ-related websites that will keep us connected, we hunker down with the magnum opus because like the lethal cartridge, we can't get enough Jest. It endlessly and infinitely entertains. It can make mush of our minds all the while strengthening and inspiring them and raising them to new levels of intelligence.....as if we glorified monkeys could ever attain brilliance, as did our master.

Somewhere out there, we like to think that David Foster Wallace has become a wraith and if we are lucky he will pay us a visit. He will continue to inspire us, guide us, tell us what happened next.

Long as it was, we still don't want the story to end. Why should it end, just when we were getting to know Mario and Marathe and Steeply and Lyle and Pemulis and the Moms and Himself. We want to know what happened after Gately was found lying on the beach, tide receding, and if Hal will regain control of his vocals. We want more Gentle, more Psychosis, more Lenz.

In our original stories we speculate on behalf of all DFW/IJ fans. We look at the backside and underbelly of the plot, introduce new characters, and ourselves interact with the published  ones and sometimes with each other. We invite you to sit down and view us on your teleputer or yet to be invented entertainment devices. Most of all we simply hope you will be entertained.....

For a  full story list, click here:  Complete Story List

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